Contributed by Camille Close, Librarian, Holyoke Community College, Jessica Egan, Coordinator of Instructional Design, Holyoke Community College, & Emily Thompson, Director of Liberal Studies and
Contributed by Abbey K. Elder, Iowa State University (ORCID) This blog post will not attempt to propose some universal ideal for what OER support should
Contributed by Kristina Clement Elder, A.K. (2019). The OER Starter Kit. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Digital Press. DOI: The OER Starter Kit, by
Contributed by Amanda Hurford and Erin Milanese Misconceptions about OER at Private Institutions Despite the rising costs and growing student debt in all sectors of
Contributed by Zachary Beamer Introduction Over the past two decades, OER have been increasingly recognized as a way to lower cost for students (Baker et
Contributed by Samantha Peter The Mason OER Metafinder, or fondly known as MOM, is one of the many great resources you can use to locate
Contributed by: Emily Bongiovanni, Brittany Dudek, and Spencer Ellis Undoubtedly, the generation-defining year of 2020 has changed the landscape of many social systems; this includes
Contributed by Jen Hughes Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) leverages library staff to assist faculty with the finding and initial assessment of Open Educational Resources
and what my first year looked like at Nicholls State University. Contributed by Elizabeth Batte, MLIS Hello all, I am the Library Director at Ellender
By Jim Ross-nazzal I teach history for Houston Community College. Among my various breads and butters is the US survey: US history from pre-contact to