Potential Authors

Blog Submission Guidelines

We welcome submissions for short blog articles on topics related to Open Educational Resources. Blog entries should be no more than about 1000 words. The OER and Beyond blog is a less formal venue to share your thoughts, innovations, and applications of OER and we encourage a more personal tone to these submissions than the Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education. 

Submission Specifics: 

  • 500 to 1200 words
  • APA stylistic and bibliographic guidelines
  • Accessibility considerations (i.e. alt-text for images, captions for videos)
  • Include a reference list for any direct citations and a resources section that has brief descriptions and links to any linked material in the blog post
  • CC0 license for all images not taken by the author 
  • The tone should be written towards an audience new to OER, not experts. This is an informal conversation place and we want the tone of blogs to reflect that. 

Open Access Policy

The copyright of any OER and Beyond post is owned by the author(s). As a condition of publication, the authors AGREE to release their copyright under a shared license, specifically the Creative Commons – Attribution International 4.0 (CC-BY) License.

This license allows anyone to reproduce OER and Beyond posts at no cost and without further permission as long as they attribute the author and the OER and Beyond. This permission includes printing, sharing and other forms of distribution.

An example of attribution language is below:

“This article has been reproduced from OER and Beyond [blog] using a Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 license. © [year] Author Name(s).”

Photographs and Interactivity

All blogs must include photographs or interactive elements. Please be sure to make sure all photographs include inclusive elements. If your images contain people please also be mindful of representation depicted in the images that you choose and try to avoid only representing the dominant culture. For all images selected please be sure to provide alt-text for those images. To submit images, either link to images found online or email jpegs to your lead editor. If you are adding personal or institutional photographs, please be sure that all photographs are under an open copyright license.

Recommended resources for images:

Questions? Contact us at oerandbeyond@gmail.com.